I decided I didn’t like where I planted the 2 goji berry plants. They are in the way of the in-ground garden and one of them was growing so big it was getting into the lawn mower storage area. I dug them up and transplanted them to the area where the chicken pen will be located.

The root system was huge and I was able to separate off multiple rootings that were sizeable. I planted 11 of them around the perimeter of the new chicken pen. My plan is to let the chickens graze on the fruit when it is ripe. The fruit is hard to harvest because it is so tiny… it takes a lot of effort and each fruit is about the size of a raisin, so it is not worth the time, but the chickens are very good at harvesting and they love it too.

I while back, I ordered some trees from cold stream farm. The 2 red mulberry plants are planted on the west border of the new chicken pen. These trees should grow pretty fast and will provide shade that the chickens appreciate. Mulberry trees are messy, their fruit drops and stains the ground wherever they land. But this seems like a good tree to have hanging over a chicken pen… the chickens will clean up any fruit!