Goji Berry Transplanted, Red Mulberry – 3/16/2025

I decided I didn’t like where I planted the 2 goji berry plants. They are in the way of the in-ground garden and one of them was growing so big it was getting into the lawn mower storage area. I dug them up and transplanted them to the area where the chicken pen will be located.

The root system was huge and I was able to separate off multiple rootings that were sizeable. I planted 11 of them around the perimeter of the new chicken pen. My plan is to let the chickens graze on the fruit when it is ripe. The fruit is hard to harvest because it is so tiny… it takes a lot of effort and each fruit is about the size of a raisin, so it is not worth the time, but the chickens are very good at harvesting and they love it too.

I while back, I ordered some trees from cold stream farm. The 2 red mulberry plants are planted on the west border of the new chicken pen. These trees should grow pretty fast and will provide shade that the chickens appreciate. Mulberry trees are messy, their fruit drops and stains the ground wherever they land. But this seems like a good tree to have hanging over a chicken pen… the chickens will clean up any fruit!

17 tomatoes planted – 3/15/2025

First I rolled the back garden and hilled it in rows. 

Within 3 hours of Aiden’s help, we had the valleys filled with wood chips

Next I trimmed off all the lower branches, dug shallow trenches and laid the tall tomato seedlings in the trenches.

It was a fairly windy day, and none of these plants were properly hardened off, so I hope they turn out ok.

6 tomatoes planted in ground – 2/22/2025

The day after freezing weather I decided to rush it and go ahead and put a few plants in the ground.  I used some walls of water — these covers create a microclimate that lets you plant outdoors earlier than normal.  They are a thermal mass that heats during the day and then return that heat to the plant at night.  They also protect from direct sun and wind.  I didn’t harden these plants off at all, went directly from the warm cozy house and grow lights to directly outside.  We’ll see how it works out!

It got down to 33° last night and the plants look happy this morning no problems detected.

I didn’t take a picture of the 4 additional tomatoes I planted in the raised bed in front of the house.

Tomato and pepper seedlings – 2/17/2025

All my seedlings seem to be doing great.  I have 2 grow lights and 2 shelves of plants.

The tomato plants I started 5 weeks ago are bigger than what I normally buy in a store.  I seeded them too early.  Now I have to deal with these plants that are too big and take up too much space.

I moved all the seedlings I planted 3 weeks ago to bigger pots.  They should be about the right size when I’m ready to put them outside.

Carrots, Radish, Lettuce, and Beets planted – 2/6/2025

I planted carrots, radish, lettuce, and beets in the 2 new raised beds.

The tomatoes I planted from seed are taking off and growing quickly now.  I planted these 1/7, which is probably too early.  I transplanted the tiny seedlings before they grew their true leaves into larger cups with holes poked in the bottom.  They are under led grow lights that stay on 16 hours per day.  I water with a weak fertilizer solution from the bottom.

New Raised Beds and Onions planted – 2/2/2025

The bed on the left is filled with old soil from a bed I moved, the one on the right is filled with new soil purchased from Living Earth.  I planted 2 varieties of onion, half in each bed.  This should be a pretty good comparison of the two.

I purchased 3 cu-yds of soil from Living Earth in Plano.  Price was $62/yd

I assembled 2 beds from the formed concrete sides I made in the past.  I also built 2 more beds from treated 2×12 lumber.

The beds I made ~8 years ago from cedar are starting to deteriorate to the point they are failing.