See the GalliStead interactive map for locations. The big apple tree is a 4-in-1 from Bob Wells and has Dorsett Golden, Gorden, Fuji, and Anna varieties. The other apple tree is a Stark Double Delicious and has Stark® Golden Delicious and Starkrimson® Red Delicious. The tree is so small it is hard to tell where it is grafted though. The two Pawpaw trees also came from Stark Bros and are Potomac and Susquehanna.
4 in 1 apple tree Susquehanna Pawpaw tree Potomac Pawpaw Stark Double Delicious Apple Tree I think this is the graft on the Stark apple tree. The branches are so tiny!
The Dorsett Golden graft is the branch facing north
The Gorden graft is the branch facing east
The Fuji graft is the branch facing south
The Anna graft is the branch facing west