I’m trying once again to direct-seed cool weather plants in the heat of summer. The ‘feels like’ temperature was 105°F today because of the high humidity due to the 2.8″ of rain this morning. Nice to have the rain though! I was unsuccessful in direct-seeding plants like this last year.
Raised bed #1 w/ strawberries – planted about 16 cauliflower Snowball Y Improved Cauliflower Raised bed #2 planted 24 broccoli Green Magic Broccoli Raised bed #5 planted 14 brussel sprouts Long Island Improved Brussel Sprouts Raised bed #3 planted carrot Imperator 58 Carrot
Earlier this weekend before it had rained, I was able to move a lot of top soil out of the “pond” area and place it on the eastern part of the Hügelkultur bed #1. Just before dark I added straw mulch and planted about 50 bean plants, then distributed a packet of buckwheat cover crop to a lot of the bed. The plants I’ve had growing in this bed haven’t done very well. I think it is a combination of not enough soil, the typical first-year poor performance of a hugelkultur bed, and not enough water. I added more soil to this part of the bed compared to the part I already have plants growing in– hope that helps. I’m eager to have plants growing in it to hold the steeply-sloped soil in place. I figure beans are a good choice.
East end of Hügelkultur bed #1 Provider Bean Common Buckwheat Cover Crop Seed