Category Archives: Gardening

The Best Watermelon Ever!

Amber has been checking our watermelon plants almost every day to see if they are ready to harvest. Tonight she decided to grab the first one. Oh wow, it was sweet, juicy, and delicious! I didn’t do anything except plant the seeds and wait. No fertilizer, no babying. I barely watered, except when they were drooping in the heat of summer.

Hügelkulture Bed Created July 4, 2019

Me, Aiden, and Bryson started moving all the tree trimmings in place to create a hugelkulture bed today. The wood is stacked 2 to 3 foot high, then I’ll add another 2-3 foot of soil on top of that.

New Blackberry Plants

Aiden and I went on the tour of Texas Worm Ranch that was set up just for the members of North Texas Vegetable Gardeners. A nasty thunderstorm moved in while we were there and we hung out in the bathroom because the winds were so bad the roof next door was flying off.

After we left the worm farm, we went over to Carol Garrison’s urban homestead and she gave us a tour of her front yard vegetable garden, chickens, tropical garden, rainwater harvesting, greenhouse, composting, and fish. She dug up some of her blackberry bushes and a special okra plant and set us home with these plants! I came home and put them in the ground. I just checked on them this morning and they seem to be doing good so far.

Vegetable Garden Update May 3, 2019

Sugar snap peas are producing lots of pods, but are also getting eaten by a caterpillars that I haven’t found.  I’m debating if I should spray them with BT or now.  The comfrey plants are getting huge.  Too big for my small raised beds, so I need to make a decision about where to relocate them.  My tomatoes, peppers, beans, cantaloupe, and watermelon are all doing OK, but don’t seem to be growing fast.