Tag Archives: asian pear

5 pear trees planted – 1/31/2025

I ordered 5 bare rooted pear trees from Bob Wells nursery.  They showed up today in one big box. 

I’m impressed with how large these trees are.  They are larger than some of my trees I’ve had in the ground for 2 years.

I planted them in the swales before sundown.  It’s forecast to be very warm this week, so I hope they get a good start.

9 New Fruit Trees and New Swale – 3/12/2022

I dug a new swale just downhill from my first swale. It is a few inches lower than the top swale, but won’t fill until the top swale is filled nearly full. I’ll add rocks in the area where they are connected to resist erosion.

I planted 9 new fruit trees on the downhill side of the new swale. Here are the types and varieties of the trees:

  • Ichi-Ki-Kei-Jiro Asian Persimmon (Grafted)
  • Saijo Asian Persimmon (Grafted)
  • Moonglow Pear Standard
  • Stark® Honeysweet Pear Dwarf
  • Starking® Hardy Giant™ Asian Pear Semi-Dwarf
  • Dapple Dandy Pluot® Standard
  • Flavor King Pluot® Standard
  • Starking® Delicious™ Pear Dwarf
  • Anjou Pear Semi-Dwarf

Pear, Pawpaw, Cherry, Persimmon, Pluerry, Pomegranate Trees Planted

Over the past 2 days, I’ve planted 8 more fruit trees.

13) Asian Pear w/ grafts of:  Hosui (12), 20th Century (3), Chojuro (6), Shenseiki (9)
14) Fuyu Japanese Persimmon
15) Sweet Treat Pluerry
16) Wonderful Pomegranate
17) Cherry w/ grafts of: Stella (2), Black Tartarian (4), Bing (7), Rainier (10) *
18) empty space
19) Pennsylvania Golden PawPaw (Grafted)
20) Sunflower Pawpaw (Grafted)
21) Mango Pawpaw (Grafted)
(graft positions given w/ North = 12 o’clock)
* = yes, I realize cherry trees won’t set fruit here because of our lack of cooling hours, but I wanted to try it anyway   Continue reading