I bought 4 6-packs of tomato plants from D&L in McKinney for $3.99 each. Varieties: Celebrity, Cherokee Purple, Red Cherry Large, and Yellow Pear. I took one plant from each pack and planted them in the front raised beds. (bed #4 and 6).

We planted 2 bunches of onions about 3 weeks ago. They are growing well now and look healthy. Bed #3 has come from together. I’ve started moving the soil out of the bed to prep rebuilding it. I also made good progress on the fence around the front yard. I need to build another gate and a 15′ section then it will be complete. The comfrey I planted several years ago and cut down every year since is back again as a huge plant! I have piles of cardboard sitting out waiting for me to line the whole yard and fill with wood chips.