Tag Archives: onion
Snap Peas and Tiny Fruits – April 22, 2019
Plants are growing at a very fast pace right now. I finally have some sugar snap peas to harvest, but just a handful so far. And 2 strawberries! They were delicious. Aiden raced me out to the garden to pick snap peas, he loves them!
Sugar Snap Pea Aiden Enthusiastically Picks Fresh Snap Peas My 6 raised beds Potato plants in stack of tires Comfrey Flowers Onions are getting fat A few tomatoes are forming More tomatoes Blackberry blooms Blackberry blooms A few peaches have formed More plackberry flowers More peaches
Everything Survived the 17 Degree Low Temperature
All of the vegetable plants made it through the recent low temperatures. This morning just before sunup, it got down to 17.6 degrees F. I didn’t cover anything up, and the plants look like they are all OK this morning. I was most worried about the sugar snap peas that just started popping up from the ground, but they look completely unharmed. Strawberries look completely unharmed. Onions look OK. Brussels and broccoli did get some damage, but they should survive.
Onion Slips Planted 1/7/2019
Both boys helped me transplant a bundle of white onion slips today.

Garden Update 5/12/2018
Most everything I have planted is doing great. The snap peas are loaded and ready to harvest. Onions are getting big. I have some peppers and tomatoes on the vine.
The blackberry bushes I planted a few years ago are loaded with berries. All my new blackberry transplants are alive and doing well. Continue reading