Tag Archives: tomato

Tomatoes and Peppers – March 27, 2021

I’m several weeks behind and didn’t even have time to plant the onions I bought, but today I did manage to get the raised beds cleared out and a few things planted. I used my tiny chainsaw on the monster okra plants, which worked great.

No Frost Damage – April 15, 2020

Last week was sunny with the temperature in the 90’s, and 2 days ago a strong cold front came in and this morning at 6:45 am, we got down to 32.0F for a bit.

Freezing temperature on April 15, 2020

March 16, 2020 – Greening Up Status

It’s was warm most of last week and has rained all this week. Lots of new green growth in the garden. Most of the fruit trees are flowering.

February 28, 2020 – Tomato Plants Transplanted

We are 2 weeks from the average last frost date, but the weather forecast looks like we will be safe so I planted 6 tomatoes.  I didn’t have enough of the season starters (aka walls of water) to cover all of the plants, and one did break in the high winds that we had on Saturday.

Snap Peas and Tiny Fruits – April 22, 2019

Plants are growing at a very fast pace right now.  I finally have some sugar snap peas to harvest, but just a handful so far.  And 2 strawberries!  They were delicious.  Aiden raced me out to the garden to pick snap peas, he loves them!

Peppers, More Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Melons, and More Planted 4/5/2019

I picked up some pepper plants and another tomato plant from McKinney Feed and Seed yesterday, and planted them today, along with some lime beans and bush beans.  Sometime last week, I planted cucumbers, cantaloupe, and watermelon.   I took pictures of my new trees also.

Tomatoes Planted 3/8/2019

I planted 2 tomato plants today, even though it is a little early according to local vegetable garden planting calendars.  I’m hoping to get the grown nice and tall before the summer heat sets in this year.  This is the first year to use the Walls o Water / Season Starter covers.  They should protect the plants from any low temperatures we have from here on out (I hope!)