Category Archives: Gardening

Hugelkulture Bed 2 Started May 2, 2020

Hugelkultur Status – April 23, 2020

The seeds I ordered from Willhite finally came in. We planted mainstream cantaloupe, yellow petite watermelon, jackson wonder speckled bush lima bean, Texas cream 8 cowpea, summer melody squash, honeybaby winter squash, and large sunflower mix on the north side of the bed.

We spread straw over the south side of the hill. The cowpeas, okra, melons, and squash I planted on April 8 are popping out of the soil now.

No Frost Damage – April 15, 2020

Last week was sunny with the temperature in the 90’s, and 2 days ago a strong cold front came in and this morning at 6:45 am, we got down to 32.0F for a bit.

Freezing temperature on April 15, 2020

Spring has Sprung – Part 2

The garden is thriving with all the rain that we have had lately! Everything is growing nicely, and Brian has added some okra and melon seeds in the last couple of days. We had a salad the other night with the lettuce and it was delicious. The bees have been actively coming and going from the hive. The birds continue to be super active as well. Caught some more pics of the hummingbirds and our birdhouse tenant which we think is a Tufted Titmouse.

Hugelkultur – Okra, Comfrey, Cowpeas, Melon, Squash – April 8, 2020

I started planting in the hugelkultur bed today, and it was a little strange. Add a little water and you create an avalanche. So I tried a few things that seemed to work ok.

I took out a handful of soil, replaced it with compost, and planted okra in the compost.

hole formed in the side of the hugelkultur mound
hole filled with compost
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Melons and Okra Planted – April 7, 2020

I dug up the huge comfrey (bocking 14) that was in raised bed 3 and split it up into a bucket full of crowns. I planted one at the base of many of the fruit trees, and a bunch of them in the hugelkultur bed. I also planted a few melons (Ice Cream and Kajari), some lima beans, flowers, and 2 varieties of okra.

Baby Fruits – April 5, 2020

Some of my fruit trees are starting to show signs of fruit!