Category Archives: Honeybee

Spring has Sprung – Part 2

The garden is thriving with all the rain that we have had lately! Everything is growing nicely, and Brian has added some okra and melon seeds in the last couple of days. We had a salad the other night with the lettuce and it was delicious. The bees have been actively coming and going from the hive. The birds continue to be super active as well. Caught some more pics of the hummingbirds and our birdhouse tenant which we think is a Tufted Titmouse.

Honey Harvest July 30, 2019

My new hive wasn’t strong enough going in to spring to add honey supers on, but I did add a second ‘deep’ hive box to give them room for expansion. I’m glad I did because they almost filled it up with honey! I pulled 2 frames out for myself. I didn’t use any special equipment, just scraped the honeycomb into a bowl, strained out the wax, then heated the wax and let it cool. My end result was 4.5 pints of raw honey, 1 pint of cooked honey and a small chunk of wax.